Tuesday 2 July 2013

Facebook Fails and Twitter Troubles - why you should always check your spelling!

Good spelling and grammar are a staple requirement of any formal piece of work, be it academic or for your professional life; you might even have specialist software like Scholarly to help you get it right. But when you get home after a long day and log in to Facebook or Twitter, people tend to be a lot less careful about the accuracy of what they post.

I’m sure most of us at some point have spelled something wrong while hastily updating the world on such gripping life events such as what delicious dish you’re eating for dinner. A lot of the time it’s an honest typo and no-one really notices that there’s anything wrong, but sometimes errors can be fatal – completely changing the context or meaning of your post. Here are a few of our personal favourites which made it into the Scholarly hall of fame...

But leopards are so cuddly (and also hungry and fierce, but mainly cuddly)! Perhaps this person would feel more comfortable if they moved into a leopard colony.

Perhaps a trip to Nandos for lunch will raise the spirits of this unfortunate poster...

It’s always awkward when you mishear a song and get the lyrics completely wrong, but it’s slightly more embarrassing when you think diabetes is in fact a rather fatal beating!

Dr Evil wasn’t too keen about this status, especially considering the cost of getting your face carved into a mountain. But at least this poster is being honest, after all, she hates liars!

This is a personal favourite of mine and probably one of the most disastrous mistakes I’ve seen! It’s a good job that British English prefers the term ‘aftershave’ to cologne or there’d be colons all over our Twitter feeds!

So, there we have it – make sure you get a spellchecker and read and re-read your Facebook and Twitter posts! If you’re not careful your Facebook fails and Twitter troubles might end up on someone’s blog someday...

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